Summer Assessment: Photography Editing in the style of John Coplans and Phyllis Evans

John Coplans and Phyllis Evans work uses the emphasis of contrast and colour to strengthen itself by giving attention to detail

url stitched

The original image.


Background merged to one colour.

P1110366 edit 1

Black and white layer added on top and then the contrast is raised.

P1110366 edit 2

History eraser, takes away the top layer to reveal the golden collar underneath. This draws attention to and makes the golden collar the focus point of the image.

P1110366 edit 3

Summer Assessment: Golden Sculpture II


This piece was much less successful that the first piece. The rice paper tore a lot as it was being stuck down, then the golden spray paint lifted it, causing it to fall apart. After this happened I spoke to Anastasia and discussed what I would do next and we came to the conclusion of using photography and showing a single golden sculpture, along with a photograph, and my original film and edible sculpture. We discussed the idea of both similar sculptures reflecting how the two different cultures view the concepts in very different manners. The Kayan Lahwi women wear neck rings to be less attractive to those outside of their culture, and the Aztecs wore golden collars to symbolise wealth.

Summer Assessment: Rice Paper


Today I tried to create the same design as previously but in rice paper. Unfortunately the material was brittle and would not bend to the curve of the pattern once the pieces were cut out. I have chosen to make two more duct tape sculptures tomorrow to follow up with that material.

Summer Assessment: Le Musée des Cultures Oubliées

Today I began to plan my museum. After listening to Tina suggest French names for the venue yesterday I have been inspired and decided to continue in French. I spoke to my French friend Élisa who is helping me with translation.

Originally I was looking at the name “The Museum of Accessories of the Neck”, however the literal translation does not make sense in French so Élisa did her best to make it fit as came up with “Le Musée des Accessories de Parures pour le Cou” which means “The Museum of Accessories of Jewels for the Neck”. This name wasn’t as effective as I hoped it would be so I focused on the point of fiction within my pieces which lead to:

  • “Le Musée des Cultures Fictive” – The Museum of Fictional Cultures
  • “Le Musée des Cultures Imaginaires” – The Museum of Imaginary Cultures
  • “Le Musée des Cultures Perdues” – The Museum of Lost Cultures
  • “Le Musée des Cultures Oubliées” – The Museum of Forgotten Cultures

The final one was chosen because it initially made the most sense to me about the society or societies I am going to create within the exhibition.

Pieces to include within the exhibition: film (projection), sculptures, photography, informative performance given in both French and English.